
About Me


My name is Melanie and I am a twenty-something who loves to cook and bake. During the day I am nursing student. This takes up a good chunk of my time and has me running around like I am crazy. However, cooking and baking are my sanity. As soon as the oven or stove goes on, I relax. So, I decided to add blogging onto my to-do list and I am quite happy I did.

I come from a family full of excellent cooks. Growing up and watching all the women in my family create wonderful things in the kitchen always inspired me. I grew up with my father, who is also a great cook. I hope to share some of these recipes with you and also create some of my own.

I believe in healthy cooking, not only for weight loss or control, but also to live better. I generally use real ingredients (i.e. sugar instead of artificial sweetener) because I think all things can be enjoyed in moderation. And I am totally up for some indulgences thrown in here and there because they make life a lot more fun.

There are a few things you will probably never see on this blog. They include: asparagus, olives, bananas, mayonnaise, mushrooms and okra. Sorry if you like these things but just writing them down makes me cringe. However, I'm sure you will find plenty to like if you look around a bit.

I am completely new to food photography. I am currently using a Canon Rebel XTi with a Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 lens and a Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 lens. Some pictures are better than others, and some I might go back and retake. Anyway, I'm learning and hope to keep improving as time goes on.


Twitter: saltnpeppergal