
August 30, 2013

Whole Wheat Brownie Batter Pancakes

This post was supposed to be up about...12 hours ago, but I am moving tomorrow and just spent a whole lot of time unnecessarily stressed out. Not to get into detail, but a certain moving company, whose name starts with a letter of the alphabet (between T and V), totally messed up my moving plans. Luckily, some family members have come to my rescue and I will still be able to move out at the time my lease states.

Anyway, pancakes. That taste like brownie batter! The perfect breakfast for when life throws you curve balls. These pancakes are not very sweet by themselves, so feel free to use more sugar or do like I do and pour some maple syrup (or chocolate syrup) on top. And another great thing about this recipe is you don't have to share. The nutritional information is for one serving, but if you want to cut the Points+, you can split it with somebody.

See you Monday after my move, providing I maintain my sanity.

Brownie Batter Pancakes
Adapted from Skinnytaste

Makes 1 serving

1/4 cup white whole wheat flour
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tablespoon +1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla 
1 1/2 tablespoons unsweetened applesauce
5 1/2 tablespoons fat free milk
2 egg whites

1. Mix flour through baking powder together and set aside; mix vanilla through egg whites in a separate bowl. 

2. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix to incorporate. 

3. To make pancakes, spray a skillet or griddle with nonstick spray and pour in just under 1/4 cup of batter mixture. Repeat until mixture is gone.

Nutritional Information
Calories: 407
Fat: 2
Carbs: 60
Fiber 8
Protein: 16
Sodium: 234
Points+: 8


  1. Ack moving is THE WORST. Good luck with everything!! You'll deserve like, five batches of these pancakes when it's all over. So good!

  2. Sorry about the moving troubles:( These look incredible though! I love that I get protein from the egg whites, but comfort food from the cocoa! Yum!

  3. I've been dying for brownie batter pancakes! And ugh, good luck with the move!

  4. Oh love! I'm so sorry about the moving problems. I HATE moving. I hope that by the time you read this, everything has been sorted out. These pancakes look amazing. I love the brownie flavor!

  5. I seriously NEED to try these! (PS I hate moving too. It sucks. Majorly.)

  6. Hate moving, but if these were awaiting me on the other side of my move, I'd pack up and be on my way everyday! ;) On my 'to-make' list!
