
September 5, 2011

Watermelon Sorbet

This summer dessert is absolutely wonderful. One of my favorite parts of summer is getting nice, fresh watermelon. It is absolutely perfect on a steamy summer day. This sorbet combines the light, sweet taste of watermelon with the tang of lime in a nice cool sorbet perfect for the end of a meal eaten on the porch.

I got the inspiration for this recipe from Epicurious and decided to make a couple of changes. Since I like tart foods, I swapped out the lemon juice for lime and decided to add a good amount of it. The result is a sweet, slightly sour sorbet. I hope you enjoy it!

Watermelon Sorbet
Adapted from

Makes 12 servings, serving size 1/2 cup

8 cups cubed watermelon
1 cups sugar
1 cup water
1/4 cup lime juice (I got this from one lime)
2 tsp lime zest

1. Make a simple syrup from the water and sugar. To do this, combine the sugar and water in a saucepan and heat until boiling. Once it is boiling, reduce to a simmer until the sugar has dissolved.

2. Cool the simple syrup completely.

3. Combine the syrup, watermelon, lime juice and lime zest in a blender of food processor.

3. Freeze the mixture in at least a 1.5 quart capacity ice cream maker according to manufacturer's directions.

Nutritional Information
Calories: 92
Fat: 0
Carbohydrates: 24
Fiber: 0
Protein: 1
Sodium: 1
Weight Watcher's Points+: 3

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